What kind of photograph do I submit when applying for a passport?

  1. Measures 35 × 45 mm, is taken against a uniform light background with uniform lighting, has good sharpness and reproduces the natural color of the skin; includes the image from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, so that the face occupies 70-80% of the photograph; depicts the person in a frontal position, with vertical symmetry, and reflects the facial image of the applicant for a passport document without reasonable doubt.
  2. The photograph shall be taken no earlier than 6 months before the date of application for a passport document.
  3. The person in the photograph is looking straight ahead and has a natural facial expression, closed mouth, face not covered by hair, visible eyebrows, eyes and pupils.
  4. The person in the photograph is depicted without headgear and without glasses with dark glasses.
  5. A person with a visual impairment may submit a photograph showing him wearing glasses with dark lenses. In such a case, a certificate of disability or a certificate on the degree of disability shall also be submitted.
  6. A person who wears headgear in accordance with the principles of his or her religion may submit a photograph depicting him or her wearing headgear, as long as the facial image is fully visible. In such a case, a certificate of affiliation with a religious community registered in the Republic of Poland shall be submitted.
  7. A photograph of a child under the age of 5, a person who has a certificate of disability or a certificate of the degree of disability, and a person whose health condition does not allow him to meet the photographic requirements specified in item. 3, may not meet these requirements.
  8. In other than those listed in para. 6, a person may submit a photograph depicting him or her in headgear, provided that he or she makes it plausible that such a need arises from the consequences of medical treatment or an accident.