Conducting cases on the acquisition of legal personality by organizational units of churches and religious associations
The ecclesiastical authority shall notify the competent provincial governor of the fact that an ecclesiastical institution has obtained legal personality.
Notification of the acquisition of legal personality by an ecclesiastical institution should be accompanied by two attachments:
- a decree or a certified copy of the decree of the ecclesiastical authority establishing the legal entity. The decree – constitutive of legal personality – should contain all the necessary elements, citing the relevant provision of the Code of Canon Law or the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, and be signed by the diocesan bishop and the chancellor of the curia (notary) or the higher religious superior and the secretary of the religious curia, and stamped,
- the necessary identification data of the legal entity.
Following the notification so submitted, the governor shall issue an “Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notification of Obtaining Legal Personality by an Ecclesiastical Institution”.
A copy of the notification with the acknowledgment of receipt affixed to it is evidence of the acquisition of legal personality by a church institution. Such confirmation shall be issued once.
In addition, in accordance with Article 72 of the Law of May 17, 1989 on the Relationship of the State to the Catholic Church in the Republic of Poland, proof of legal personality by existing, on the date of entry into force of the Law, legal entities is listed in:
- the last printed list of ecclesiastical entities and clergy (diocesan schema) issued by the diocese or archdiocese, prior to the entry into force of the Law,
- the statistical questionnaire of a religious order or province, submitted as of December 31, 1988 to the Office for Religious Affairs,
decisions not to object to the establishment of a parish, issued pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 of the Decree of December 31, 1956, on organizing and staffing church positions.