Renunciation of Polish citizenship

Whom the application concerns

An application for a consent to renounce Polish citizenship may be filed by a Polish citizen who has citizenship of another country or a promise to grant it (promises).

A Polish citizen who renounces Polish citizenship loses Polish citizenship after obtaining the consent of the President of the Republic of Poland to renounce Polish citizenship. Polish citizenship is renounced at the request of a Polish citizen, and in the case of a minor, it is done at the request of his/her legal representatives.

Necessary documents

  • application,
  • birth certificate, issued by a Polish registry office,
  • marriage certificate, issued by a Polish registry office,
  • possessed documents confirming Polish citizenship of the applicant (notarized or confirmed by a Polish Consul)
  • document confirming possession of citizenship of another country or a promise to grant it (notarized or confirmed by a Polish Consul)
  • photographs of the persons included in the application (the photograph should be undamaged, in color, 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, taken within the last 6 months on a uniform light background, having good sharpness and showing clearly the eyes and face from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, so that the face occupies 70-80% of the photograph. The photograph is to show a person without headgear and glasses with dark glasses, looking straight ahead with eyes open, hair uncombed, with a natural look on the face and with the mouth closed. A person with congenital or acquired visual defects may include a photograph showing him wearing glasses with dark glasses, and a person wearing headgear in accordance with the principles of his religion – a photograph showing him wearing headgear. The headgear must not cover or distort the oval of the face,
  • information about the last place of residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland, if the applicant resides outside its territory,
  • if the application includes a minor; birth certificate and information on whether declarations of consent to the loss of Polish citizenship have been made and before which authority.

Bearing in mind that the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure (Kpa) do not apply to the proceedings for granting consent for renunciation of Polish citizenship, and thus also the provision of Article 76a § 2b, according to which an authorized employee of the authority conducting the proceedings, to whom the original document was presented along with a copy, at the request of a party, certifies the conformity of the copy of the document with the original, the applicant is consequently obliged to attach to the application the originals of the required documents or copies certified by a notary public or a consul of the Republic of Poland.

Method of submission of the application

The application is submitted in person or by correspondence with an officially certified signature, through the governor or consul. The application with the documents is forwarded to the President of the Republic of Poland, through the minister responsible for internal affairs.

The President of the Republic of Poland gives his consent for renunciation of Polish citizenship or refuses it in the form of a decision. Loss of Polish citizenship occurs after 30 days from the date of the decision.

Place of application:

Łódzki Urząd Wojewódzki w Łodzi
Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners
Civic Affairs Division
104 Piotrkowska St
90-926 Łódź

Receipt of the decision

The order may be sent by mail to the mailing address or picked up in person at the office of the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners.